Tuesday, September 27, 2011

OkEy ! DiE mEMaNg VokE !!

haha.. today i feel very the lucky one laa.. hehe.. jeng2 !! 
dahla kelass ade satu.. and masa utuk tidoq memang melimpah2 bnyak.. pastu pulak dapat makan free kat restoran sang dewi and then dapt pulak jumpa cik siti nurhaliza.. kebanggaan malaysia tuh.. hehehe.. she was so beutiful !!

arghh !! back to my story.. masa kami mula2 smpai tuh cik siti tuh xde lah pulak.. and kami pom ade jugak terpikir kot2 jumpa sbb restoran tu di usahakan oleh kakak ipar datuk siti/ cik siti.. haha..
tapi xsangka la betol2 jumpa.. hehe.. open resroran tuh dibuat sempena hari raya.. and start dari pukol 12.30 until pukol 7 malam.. hehe.. kami pergi tadi pukul 3 lebey2.. haha.. pandai pulak bajet utuk jumpa cik siti.. heheh..

dgn perut kosong i amik nenass and makan and then mula lah perut i buat hal ! lepas habiskan nasi dagang.. i went to ladies.. oky... encik ayue teman i sbb i takot la nk pi sorg sbb kat giant taman connought nie pemos dgn uwg2 afrika and also was a black area.. hehe.. then.. i byi bising2 kat luar toilet sbb encik puteri datang panggil and gitau cik siti nurhaliza datang.. hehe.. alarh ! biaselaa.. mula2 i kompom2 xcaye.. siap suruh en puteri bersumpah ! haha.. melihat encik puteri dah macam nk nanges sbb bersumpah, i pom follow la die pegi kat restoran tuh balik.. wowo !! nampak la kete wrne merah ! i dun know ape type tp its look like mini cooper cuma lebeh besar and tggi.. sweet kowt nombor plat die.. KCT 1.. hahaha... gabungan name dierang la pulakkkan...

after that.. mulalah gediks2 nak amik gambar cik siti.. haha.. gambar time makan pom jadilah.. oky sumpah i cakap die mmg berbudi bahasa and lembut ! plus comel cantik gebu sume ade !! grrr !! geram nye nak gigit pipi die tuh !

oky.. there is some picture that i'm going to share.. enjoy it..=)

memang cantik !

sumpah i xkenal sape2 yang duk kat belakang siti tuh ! hahaha..

nie lah kete dierang ! sekali tgok macam mini cooper kan? cuma saiz yang berbeza...

lantakla.. tulisan mmg lintang pukang ! i'm sorry.. malas nak edit ! hahaha..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MiNggU yaNg AsYiKk !

hallow hallow my premm ! oky.. disbbkan dah lama i x update this blog yg mucuk2.. today i rase nak update lah pulak walopom ade setengah jam je lagi utuk i trun tgok my favourite star ! khairul pahmi che mat ! so.. i have to finish this story quickly ! oyeah ! hope sempat !
oky .. now telling u all.. this week i rase xdelah bz sgt sbb kelas pom jarang2 means dalam satu hari ade satu kelas and smpai ade yg xdak langsung ! hehe.. dgn kudrat yg ade,, ape lagi.. i truss hang out ! hehe.. beberapa hari lepas di sbbkan ade off day 3 hari and rumah taman connought pom sunyi sbb sume balik.. and i pom balik jugak.. mula nak balik tganu tp bila pikiaq2 nak plak rase balik johor and naseb baik ade 2 kakak i yg menetap kat sana so, i pegi sanalah ! hehe.. oky.. smpai ajer umah my second sist.. rest2 and then next day pegi raye rumah member2 my sist and abg ipar.. and then pegi umah my first sist yg duduk kat simpang renggan.. hehe.. mmg mavoloss la sbb last jumpa raya hari tuh.. hehe..  masa je smpai umah kak naa i tuh.. anak2 buah menjerit melolong "cikcuu ngan cikngah dtg" hehe.. well.. mmg best lah kan.. kepoh betol ! hehe.. miss that all child la ! heheh..

oky.. best mmg best ! pegi jalan sana sini.. and the most interesting when i pegi wet world at batu pahat masa hari ahad.. hehe.. jauhlah jugak drpada kulai tuh.. btolak pukul 10 like that and then smpai lam pukul 12.30.. hhehehe.. so syokk.. mmg ramai org at sana.. maklumlah.. hujung mggu lah pulak kan ? mmg beratur panjang sbb nak tggu turn beli tiket utuk masuk.. so, ade i kesahh ?? tggu lah kat sana sampai turn masuk lah tuh ! hehe.. the next day dah balik cherass dah.. huhuhu.. really miss that moment lah ! heheh

then bila come back to taman connought.. kembali berjimba nga member2.. hehe.. encik ayu, encik wanie and encik puteri always is the best.. hehe.. oky.. last night very the boring and then someone decide to watch movie ! yess ! mmg idea bernass.. lepas survey port2 hebat and time to watch the movie.. trus berlarii pegi berciap2.. hehe.. then kami pegi wayang at lessure mall.. because that place la yg pling near dgn kami.. smpai2 ajer kedai sume bukak2 lagi.. yelahh muvie pukul 9.15.. the best movie ! JOHNY ENGLISH REBORN !! sumpah i cakap.. mmg kelakar gila.. it storied about agent yg jdik spy2.. hehehe.. memang kelakar habis la watak atkinson dlm tuh ! hehehe.. that movie is about 1 hour and 45 minutes and bile kami kluar dari wayang.. mmg semua kedai dah off ! hahah.. lawak tol la that muvie tpi tpi.. i xtahu nape encik puteri langsung x gelak sedangkan kami bertiga and others gelak mmg smpai terburai perut.. hahaha.. so nice la kan tgok cite lawak sambil makan popcorn besar ! and then mintak pulak simpati encik puteri to finish her popcorn ! mmg xmaluu ! hahaha..

oky my dear.. going to share this moment with u ollz ! hehe

okey ! mmg dah terbalik lah susunan gmbar ! hehehehe.. sorilah u olls.. i xpandai nk susun.. nie pom just add mark je.. so.. zassss !! u alls nilai sendiri ! ehem2 !! abg pahmi che mat dah beraksi !!  bye2 ! salam satu malaysia !! peace no war ! hahahah

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

iT haPPeN mORe THaN OnE Year.. !

talking about this title.. i teringat article that i baca last week.. which is about ears and the hearing.. it also exposes me to what happen to my ears.. hurmmm.. it is happen more than one year which telinga i mengeluarkan discharge that make me feel uncomfortable..hurmmm.. by the time, dah banyak hospital and klinik that i referred.. all the doctor said that it is because allergy to what i have eaten or allergy to surrounding.. hurmm.. but 2 3 4 5 hari nie.. i can feel that something different and kadang2 i rasa pening.. i dont know how to said.. hurmm.. and bila i tido, i xkan boleh tidow mengiring so i have to sleep dalam keadaan baring biase,, hurmm.. it make me sakit belakang.. yelarh.. if the discharge come out, i have to let it come.. so i cannnot tido mengirng.. lain la if it affect only one side,.. but now dua2 belah dah berlumba2 nk keluarkan discharge.. humm.. semua jenis ubat i dah makan, cetirizine, amoxicillin, ampicillin.. hurmm..sorilah.. malass nak tulis panjang2 and to include the pic i rase malas nk search and snap.. hehe.. just hope that it will become normal again.. hurmm.. =(

Monday, September 12, 2011

jALaN cuCi MATa..

arghhh ! feel very2 happy.. cuci mata kat masjid jamek.. syok habiss.. after class community,i , waniey and puteri teruss cabut naik shuttle bus and menuju ke BTS.. hehe.. tapi xcukup sorg la plak.. ayue plak x follow.. mungkin terbabas kat rumah at kinrara lah tuh kan ?

after smpai BTS we all trus pegi naik LRT.. best la kuar sopping lepas raya.. duit yg memang dah rabak before raya sekarang mmg dah habis.. tmbah2 sale kat sogo berlambak.. makanya, syaitan yg menghasut pom besarla jugakkan.. jawabnya puasa lah cik saa kite esok ! haha.. yelarh.. lau xpuase maknanya makan pasirlaaa.. haha

then, trun jalan2 kat masjid jamek sbb we all turun kat sana.. and then jalan2 smpailah sogo.. hehe.. smpai naik biru kaki berjalan2.. maklumlaaa mmg we all jarang keluar.. yelarh ! busy dgn study yg mmg nk pecahkan otax kiterang.. haa.. sekali sekala berbelanja ape salahnya.. ye kan? ye kan? haha.. penat berjalan blik rumah tebungkam atas katil.. haha..

ape2 pom, memang best walking2 there ! haha... semua barang murah2.. standard shawl and syria pom 10 rgit.. and semuanya shomel2.. but mest kena pandai pilih kedai.. if not, memang kena tipulah kan ? and for me, barang2 murah nie x lah kolot sgt because we can still use them.. x berbaloi la kan kalau bli yg mahal tpi x cntik.. sbenarnya i xsuka sgt membazir kat barang2 yg mahal.. hehe.. biasela.. taste i xde lah high sgt.. i'm just the kampung girl.. hehehe.. so, benda yg boley pakai i pakai.. tapi xdelah yg terlalu mendedahkan.. sikit2 boley tahanla.. ehehe..

oky.. td bila kami jejalan, i berkenang lah plak tgok satu shawl satin polcadot.. hehe.. but now i rasa malas nak membelit shawl, so i just beli tdung syria yg senang nak pkai.. hehe.. tapi tuh lah.. utuk bergaya nie, i kena ikot mood.. same goes to entry in my blog.. bila malas, xde nya entry baru.. tapi bila rajin, berlambak la plak.. semua benda nak di tulis smpai jari pom naik kejang..haha.. so, i pom buat conclusion don't want to buy because dalam almari i mmg dh berlambak dgn shawl.. yg xpernah guna tp gatal tgn membeli pom ade.. hadoii.. bila lah nak pakai.. hehe.. semua ini gara2 malas ! so u alls, jangan tiru sy oky ? heheh..

okey, for information, now sogo tengah buat sale besar besaran.. smpai potongan 80% pom ada.. tpi paham2 lah kan.. walopom potongan sebesar gajah, tapi harga ttp high ! haha.. bila masuk je sogo tadi, mmg ramai giler uwg tgh mencari barang2 dierang ! and i got one ! hehehe..

memang rambanglah mata kalau masuk tempat yang ade sale nie.. semuanya rasa nak.. and duit plak mengalir macam air terjun.. untuk saving mmg lembapla nk gerak.. tapi untuk habiskan, kencang je doe ! hehe.. so far, i can control lagila.. hehe.. just buy anything that u want, but after that, jangan merana oky ! itulah prinsip i ! hehehe..

oky, now i', going to share the picture with u all ! enjoys it oky ?

 haa..see? byk ank tudung yg menarikk..

 and then ni plak earings.. so gojess !

teman cik waniey cari bju untuk mak mertua..

 geng2 soping sakan !

melantak makan walopom entry baru je cite keburukan KFC  !

so, lepas makan memang kenyang and best sekali dapat makan lemak ayam banyak2 ! 

best la ! 5 bintang utuk fast food yg cepat buat i lapar ! 

i like to see barang2 make up ! hehe.. walopom i just pakai eyeliner and lips balm ! tp i think benda2 lain pom fenting jugak.. 

 ni lah jeans that i bought today.. the b.u.m equipment ! 

okey.. dah siap dah entry pasal jalan2.. hurmm.. ikut kan hati banyak je benda i nak cerita.. but sorry, i rasa x sihat sangat la .. hurmm.. oky guys.. see u again..

budak comel saya !
peace no war yoo ! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

haLAMak ! koLestroL.. ??

today, i feel like to eat .. hehe .. rase gile nak jer masak macam2 makanan kelantan kat sini .. tp i x makan pom .. haha .. and masak pom just the simple one, nasi goreng kampung is the most food that i like, then masak ayam kicap, ayam masak merah, sardin, and it will alternate by day .. hokey? bukan ape .. kat sini most of class make me feel want to rest! haha.. yelarh .. dalam kelas otax dah mcm nk pecah bila 'mengfokuskan' diri pada subjek2 yg amat menarik .. haha .. citarasa i memang utuk org kelantan even i org trganu .. tp bila dah sodap, msakan negeri ape pom perut i terima !  

hehehe .. but, bila dipikir pikirkan, benda yg sodap2, manis2 nie lah yg byak menderma lemak2 yg x sepatutnye di dermakan .. haaa .. beware ! makanan uwg kelantan tganu mmg best sbb memang cukup rasa .. manis masin semua sekata .. tapi, thukah anda, kelantan mencatatkan percentage tertinggi bagi penyakit diabetes and hypertension (darah tinggi) ..

such as MCD and KFC .. benda tuh semua high in calories and cholestrol .. so, we also need cholestrol to produce our energy.. tp bila berlebihan, mendatangkan musibah la derr .. it can make us fat ! so, penampilan kite pom penting kan ? 
" okey, back to MCD nad KFC .. bila kita makan 1 set of anything menu there, kita dah xperlu mkn ape2 dah because the cholestrol that they serve is enouht for a day .. " sumber lecture UCSI 
hehehe ..


tambah2 lagi sekarang nie musim raye .. makanya lemak memang bertimbunlah dalam badan kiterr .. hehe .. bila dah menghadap juadah makanan, memang lupalah pada semua akibat2 nya .. hehehe .. cholestrol nie bukan ape .. if we take in small amount, it is doesn't matter, but if terlalu byk, lemak2 tuh akan berkumpul kat satu tempat and buat konsert .. bila dierang buat konsert, makin banyakla lemak2 lain dtg nak join .. and sebab tu lah akan menyebabkan obesiti and other penyakit .. lagipom, lemak2 nie semua susah nak di hadam sebab dierang memang lemak ! lemak yang kita makan akan digest dalam masa satu mggu .. imagine if we eat too much of cholestrol everyday .. mmg xsempat nak hadamla benda tuh kan ? kan ? 


hehehe.. kita xboleh nak stop makan makanan berlemak but maybe we can prevent any complication by reducing it amount .. right ? make an exercise to prevent pembiakan lemak2 dlam badan .. tpi msalah yg berlaku sekarang masyarakat kite nie malas nak beriadah or bersenam .. haa .. nowadays, AS dah jadi negara paling banyak kes obesiti and pyebab utama kematian .. obesiti nie memang betul2 bahaya because it can menyebabkan komplikasi jantung and can stop the heart function immedietly .. 

jadi, lu pikiaq la sendiri..

peace no war ! go go green !


kaU Lari RUmaH ??

" weh ! serius ke kau nak lari.. kalau i kan.. i larii jauh2.. haaa.. amacam? ade brani x ? "

' jangan lah! haa.. nie as a true friends.. xmao lari2 tauu.. kompom penat tau.. ti bile penat, kompom u jatuh pgsan sbb xmakan.. kan u lari sehelai sepinggan je,, blik laaa.. jangan disebabkan kurang kasih sayang ko nak lari.. okey? 
kau.. kalau x myusahkan xapa.. bila kau larii.. semua sekililing kao kena.. xkesahla kena soal siasat ke, kena ape ke kan,, yg sure mmg kena.. hehhe '

' kauu.. jangan buat mcam nie.. benda boley settle.. lagipom tuh personal problem so jangan lah nak libat kan semua... benda nie, kalau kaoo settle leklok kompom selesai nga elok.. kan2?? '

haaa.. this is the true story.. 
i'm going to share.. cuba bayangkan.. dalam satu hari berpuluh2 remaja yg lari dari rumah and not more than 10 is the older people.. 
let's we guess.. what are their problem..

  1. love's problem - ibubapa mnjadi penghalang
  2. family problem
  3. lack of love in their love family
  4. prior to love - follow other that they love
  5. cause by emotion - rase nak sngat melarikan diri
  6. sebab kena dera pom ade jugak
  7. the individual that love to run and love to make parent's worried
  8. pikir x panjang
  9. pikiran cetek..
okey.. now u all can think weather it is good or not right ?
just imagine if u're the one who having that kind of problem.. what u all going to do ?

hurmmm.. be patient and prays for the help from ALLAH S.W.T.
semoga dipermudahkan anda untuk segala urusan .. 


budak comel saya..!
peace no war..!

eaRNinG BLeH beLi cOKeLat...


Touch N Go CPC SSrossahira saaglobal_CPC14 Aug 2011 to 20 Aug 2011Global66.67%0.30
RM 0.30
49.70 before you get paid!
[Please note that a transaction fee of RM 1 will be applied to any cashout payments.
Please also allow about 30 days from the end of the month for your payment to be processed and sent.]

alahai mak ngah! ciput jer.. hahaha..

at least dpatla jugak earning.. walopom x sampai sehengget kan?
otax mula mengada2 nak mengepost walopom xde bendaa nk di post kan.. hahah.. 
bila nak sampai sehenggget nie? mak nak duit !!

en. nuffnang give me 1 jutaa boley??

Saturday, September 10, 2011

cONNecTinG peoPLe..


okeys u alls.. today and in this zaman IT internet and teknologii connecting us to the other and exposed us to the surrounding right?

what i see today.. budak 2 tahun  pom dh pndai main phone and tekan2 lappy.. hahhaa..  sedar or x.. macam2 dh berubah dalam dunia nie.. dr zaman batu ke zaman moden.. dari tarzan kepada model.. everything has change!

so, benda2 nie semua orang dah pakai.. i xpercaya if budak umur 13 tahun xpkai phone.. bila dah msuk sekolah menengah semua nya nk up to date.. ade phone canggih2, ade pakwe makwe, ade itu ade ini.. kan2? and tambah2 bila dah msuk IPTA jugak.. everything need to use internet! duit pom habis buat bayar broadband.. RM68 / month pom bleh rasa kehilangan that money tauu.. and plus topup.. cuba kumpul and calculate all the amount that we used for connection!

take a breath, and think.. ape yg akan berlaku if xde phone, xde lappy, xde tv, xde maxis broadband! oh no! i can't imagine what is going to happen to all of us! haha.. kompom macam katak bawah tempurun kan?

tpi.. xmaola budak2 kecik pom terikut2.. smpai benda buruk bleh terjadi tau.. macam yg menggemparkan kite ttg berita budak 5 thun ****** with other kids.. hadoiii.. 

so for student, using an internet, we can connect to outside which is means we can know what happen and copy paste assigment! right? kalau lah xde internet nie.. kompom assignment i is zero.. 

okey u alls.. guna internet pom biar berpada2.. and now promotion berlambak2.. if dah abis quota broadband, u can topup but you should know the term oky? dun be too excited to plus and plus and plus.. finally you will going to terminate it! haha
guna internet pom ade cabaran tau.. u all caye x?? yelarhh.. u all pernah gets any iklan yg 'find your *****' find tu lah, find nie lah.. see itulah.. see inilah.. haaa.. pernah x?

haaa.. tersilap tekan kompom makan bytes u alls pya quota.. kan2? heheh

and jgnlah guna bb tuh utuk benda lain plak.. think nicely! hehehe..

menggunakan kemudahan teknologi nie mendatangkan kebaikan and it also comew with disadvantages.. 
think about its oky!

budak comel saya!
peace no war !!
