Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MiNggU yaNg AsYiKk !

hallow hallow my premm ! oky.. disbbkan dah lama i x update this blog yg mucuk2.. today i rase nak update lah pulak walopom ade setengah jam je lagi utuk i trun tgok my favourite star ! khairul pahmi che mat ! so.. i have to finish this story quickly ! oyeah ! hope sempat !
oky .. now telling u all.. this week i rase xdelah bz sgt sbb kelas pom jarang2 means dalam satu hari ade satu kelas and smpai ade yg xdak langsung ! hehe.. dgn kudrat yg ade,, ape lagi.. i truss hang out ! hehe.. beberapa hari lepas di sbbkan ade off day 3 hari and rumah taman connought pom sunyi sbb sume balik.. and i pom balik jugak.. mula nak balik tganu tp bila pikiaq2 nak plak rase balik johor and naseb baik ade 2 kakak i yg menetap kat sana so, i pegi sanalah ! hehe.. oky.. smpai ajer umah my second sist.. rest2 and then next day pegi raye rumah member2 my sist and abg ipar.. and then pegi umah my first sist yg duduk kat simpang renggan.. hehe.. mmg mavoloss la sbb last jumpa raya hari tuh.. hehe..  masa je smpai umah kak naa i tuh.. anak2 buah menjerit melolong "cikcuu ngan cikngah dtg" hehe.. well.. mmg best lah kan.. kepoh betol ! hehe.. miss that all child la ! heheh..

oky.. best mmg best ! pegi jalan sana sini.. and the most interesting when i pegi wet world at batu pahat masa hari ahad.. hehe.. jauhlah jugak drpada kulai tuh.. btolak pukul 10 like that and then smpai lam pukul 12.30.. hhehehe.. so syokk.. mmg ramai org at sana.. maklumlah.. hujung mggu lah pulak kan ? mmg beratur panjang sbb nak tggu turn beli tiket utuk masuk.. so, ade i kesahh ?? tggu lah kat sana sampai turn masuk lah tuh ! hehe.. the next day dah balik cherass dah.. huhuhu.. really miss that moment lah ! heheh

then bila come back to taman connought.. kembali berjimba nga member2.. hehe.. encik ayu, encik wanie and encik puteri always is the best.. hehe.. oky.. last night very the boring and then someone decide to watch movie ! yess ! mmg idea bernass.. lepas survey port2 hebat and time to watch the movie.. trus berlarii pegi berciap2.. hehe.. then kami pegi wayang at lessure mall.. because that place la yg pling near dgn kami.. smpai2 ajer kedai sume bukak2 lagi.. yelahh muvie pukul 9.15.. the best movie ! JOHNY ENGLISH REBORN !! sumpah i cakap.. mmg kelakar gila.. it storied about agent yg jdik spy2.. hehehe.. memang kelakar habis la watak atkinson dlm tuh ! hehehe.. that movie is about 1 hour and 45 minutes and bile kami kluar dari wayang.. mmg semua kedai dah off ! hahah.. lawak tol la that muvie tpi tpi.. i xtahu nape encik puteri langsung x gelak sedangkan kami bertiga and others gelak mmg smpai terburai perut.. hahaha.. so nice la kan tgok cite lawak sambil makan popcorn besar ! and then mintak pulak simpati encik puteri to finish her popcorn ! mmg xmaluu ! hahaha..

oky my dear.. going to share this moment with u ollz ! hehe

okey ! mmg dah terbalik lah susunan gmbar ! hehehehe.. sorilah u olls.. i xpandai nk susun.. nie pom just add mark je.. so.. zassss !! u alls nilai sendiri ! ehem2 !! abg pahmi che mat dah beraksi !!  bye2 ! salam satu malaysia !! peace no war ! hahahah

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